Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Urdu and English Version
Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Urdu and English Version
Product code: EP00051724
Product Description
An age old children's favourite in dual language format, Kate Clynes' modern retelling of this classic fairy tale casts a good-hearted little mouse as Goldilocks' conscience. His prudent warnings encourage young readers to question Goldilocks' choices: how would you feel if somebody broke something that belongs to you? Should Goldilocks have run away at the end? What could she have done instead?
Urdu and English Version
- Engaging children with a variety of texts encourages a love of reading and a rich vocabulary
- Children of all languages can enjoy the same stories and extend their knowledge of another language.
- Helps to build essential communication and cognitive development skills
An age old children's favourite in dual language format, Kate Clynes' modern retelling of this classic fairy tale casts a good-hearted little mouse as Goldilocks' conscience. His prudent warnings encourage young readers to question Goldilocks' choices: how would you feel if somebody broke something that belongs to you? Should Goldilocks have run away at the end? What could she have done instead?
Urdu and English Version
- Engaging children with a variety of texts encourages a love of reading and a rich vocabulary
- Children of all languages can enjoy the same stories and extend their knowledge of another language.
- Helps to build essential communication and cognitive development skills