BoomWhackers Whack A Doodle Too Songbook

BoomWhackers Whack A Doodle Too Songbook


Product code: E1347691

The musical notes in these songbooks are colour-coded to match the tubes according to Boomwhackers' Chroma-Notes™ Coloured Music System.

The coloured notes enable anyone to easily play and learn about reading music at the same time.

One person can play the songs on a XyloTote Tube Holder or several people can each have one or two tubes and play their notes as needed - a great group activity!

This volume has 22 familiar songs and uses the C Major Diatonic Tubes and the Chromatics Set.

Uses four different set-ups of tubes in the XyloTote™ for playing songs in various keys.

Further Information

Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Product Type
Books & Posters
Music Book

The musical notes in these songbooks are colour-coded to match the tubes according to Boomwhackers' Chroma-Notes™ Coloured Music System.

The coloured notes enable anyone to easily play and learn about reading music at the same time.

One person can play the songs on a XyloTote Tube Holder or several people can each have one or two tubes and play their notes as needed - a great group activity!

This volume has 22 familiar songs and uses the C Major Diatonic Tubes and the Chromatics Set.

Uses four different set-ups of tubes in the XyloTote™ for playing songs in various keys.

Further Information

Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Product Type
Books & Posters
Music Book

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